Lilith (Black Moon)

Every man fears her. She could destroy him. She is raw power. Yet meeting her is also his deepest desire.

Every woman has been taught to fear her. She could explode her open into the terrifying unknown. Yet she sits on the throne of every woman’s pelvis, holding her spirit. Every woman wants to set her free.

But we shouldn’t... they say. She is evil they say.

She is dangerous. We’ve all heard the stories.

When that slut destroyed her life. “All she cared about was herself and her own pleasure. She wanted to feel powerful, what a manipulative bitch.”

“Eeew a Vagina... don’t look at it. Eew... that woman is breastfeeding her baby in public. Does she WANT people to look at her bare breasts? Has she no modesty? No decency?”

No, in fact. She doesn’t.

Lilith, sitting on her red throne, these are her treasures. The breasts, the curves of soft skin, the unique folds between her legs, each it’s own masterpiece. They are shimmering, soft, impossibly beautiful works of perfect art by the Earth herself. Beholding these things, we can’t turn away. Beholding them, our life force is stirred within us.

We gasp and try to hide our response, forcing ourselves to look away because we are suddenly uncomfortable. We are suddenly vulnerable... it’s “too much”.

Too Much.

That’s what she is known as. “Too Much”.

“Look away. Don’t look at her. Don’t talk to her. Don’t engage. She’s dangerous. She will manipulate and destroy you.”

Yes well, when you treat her like that, maybe she will.

Maybe she will seduce you into her cave and then collapse the door, leaving you forever lost in her dark tunnels. Maybe she will cut off your hands after you treat her body like a toy or piece of trash. Maybe she will sew your mouth shut for telling the world she is dirty, and to lock her up. Maybe she will plant land mines waiting for you to step on after you rip out her carefully planted garden of treasures.

Maybe she will. But that is not who she IS.

She is the dark face of the divine feminine. She is the Power of Life. She is unimaginable beauty. She is temptation. She is ecstasy. She is sweetness, savory, musk, she is pain and pleasure, she is bigger and bigger. She is orgasm. She is infinity in physical form.

Beholding her is unstoppable transformation, in the deepest possible ways. She is instinct. She is the mantle of the earth, the heat deep underground which keeps our planet alive. She is the volcanos that burst forth after too much repression. She is our deep, dark, earthen core.

She is my body. She is yours.

Her treasures are ours.

Her voice is in our power to make our own choices.

We think we can’t handle it. It’s “too much”. We are afraid.

But have we actually tried?


Mother (Moon)


Darkness (Pluto, Scorpio, dark phase of the moon)