Woman of the Earth (Venus)
From woman, woman is born
Into woman, man is drawn
In woman, Creation.
From the Sacred spiral within
Magic is stirring
It is a mystery
Never known and always changing
Secrets hidden, with a map which can only be felt.
Doors with hidden keys... only found when she herself reveals them.
For She, Herself, is the Earth.
She, Herself, is the mystery
She, Herself, is the body which holds the elixir of the Sacred Becoming.
With the waters of the Earth polluted,
Her blood gets polluted too.
The toxins, in all forms,
Tipping the scales of her precious balance.
And with that tipping, the whole world is askew.
So how do we heal it?
She will.
She, with her sisters.
They pass the chalice of Power among them, each putting it to the others’ lips.
The doors open, the secrets revealed, the elixir of Life rising through their spines.
We, those women,
Are unbroken.
Are sovereign.
Are complete.
We are more, and more.
We are both steel and soft milk,
And our love has no limits.
We are the force of balance, but the mercy.
We are the daughters, and the mothers, and the sisters, and the dearest friends.
It starts with us.
From us, the world is born.